HeartWish Healing Center Reiki Classes

HeartWish Reiki Classes


New classes coming soon… Summer 2024!

For all inquiries, please email greer@heartwishmassage.com

Burning Sage Smudge

Usui Reiki I

In this class you will learn what Reiki is and how it works, the history and evolution of Reiki, the Reiki Principles, the Three Pillars of Reiki, self-healing with Reiki, hand positions for treating others, ethics of healing, and how the attunement process works. We will also discuss the Chakra and Meridian Systems. You will also receive the Reiki I attunement. You will have time to practice giving and receiving Reiki. We will break for lunch midday. Training manuals, snacks, and refreshments included. 8 hours. $175 investment.

Usui Reiki II

In this class you will receive three more symbols and  will learn how to draw and use the three symbols. Also, you will receive the Reiki II attunement. You will learn more advanced Japanese Reiki Techniques, how to create a Reiki practice, and review ethical practices of being a healing practitioner. You will have time to practice using the new techniques and symbols. This class will prepare you to become a Reiki Practitioner. We will break for lunch midday. Training manuals, snacks, and refreshments included. 8 hours. $225 investment.

Usui Reiki III- Advanced Reiki Training

In this class you will receive the Usui Master Symbol and you will learn how to draw and use the symbol. You will receive the ART attunement. Then you will learn Hui Yin, Violet Breath, how to connect with your Spirit Guides, how to use crystals with Reiki, how to make a Reiki grid, Aura Clearing, and review ethical practices of being a healing practitioner. You will have time to practice using the new techniques and symbol. We will break for lunch midday. Training manuals, snacks, and refreshments included. 8 hours. $300 investment.

Usui Reiki Master

In this two day class you will receive the two more symbols. You will learn how to draw and use the symbols. As well, you will also receive the Reiki Master Attunement. You will learn what it means to be a Reiki Master, the ethical practices of being a Reiki Master and teaching Reiki, about the Anthakarana, Violet Breath, review of how the attunement process works and how to give healing attunements and the Reiki I, II, and ART attunements. This class will prepare you to become a Reiki Master Teacher. We will break for lunch midday. Training manuals, snacks, and refreshments included. 8 hours. $800 investment.

Karuna Reiki® I & II

In this two day class you will receive eight new symbols. You will receive the Karuna I & II attunements. You will learn the history of Karuna Reiki®, how to draw and use each symbol, review and practice of Hui Yin and Violet Breath, and have a demonstration and practice of chanting and toning. We will also review the Code of Ethics. You will also learn to give the Karuna I & II attunements. We will break for lunch midday. Training manuals, snacks, and refreshments included. 16 hours. $1000 investment.

About the Teacher: Greer Thompson received her Reiki I in October of 2005 and Reiki II in 2006 while working as an apprentice homebirth midwife. During Greer’s first two years of practicing Reiki, she used Reiki to hold space during the birthing process- to aid the mother, baby, and family in that sacred transition of life. In contrast, she has also used Reiki to ease the sacred transition of death.

When Greer opened her massage practice in 2013, she began practicing Reiki professionally. In March 2016, she received her ART and in February 2017, she received her Reiki Master attunement. In February 2019, Greer completed her Karuna Reiki® I & II Master Level training and in March 2020, she completed her Holy Fire® training. She enjoys sharing the gifts of Reiki with her family, friends, clients, and students to promote peace and healing.

International Center for Reiki Training